Sakar launches Android-based, modular, Polaroid-branded camera system | Photography Gear News |

Sakar International has formally announced the distinctly Nikon-esque iM1836 - a modular camera system wearing Polaroid branding. Details are scarce - with the company able to give little information (and some of that being improbable), but the first model is said to be an Android-based, Wi-Fi-connected camera with Ricoh GXR-style interchangeable modules with the sensor built into the lens. Further adapter modules are promised to allow use of Pentax K, Nikon F and Micro Four Thirds lenses.

The Android-based iM1836 is due to go on sale during the first quarter of 2013. It will run Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) and features a 3.5" touch screen on the back of the body to operate it. Peer-to-peer Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity will allow the camera to upload its images to other devices.

However, as with the Ricoh GXR system, the body doesn't contain a sensor, instead the company says there will be an 18MP 1" sensor in the lens module that mounts on the front. This 10-30mm module (that again looks lawyer-pleasingly similar to Nikon's 1 System kit zoom), will offer a 27-81mm equivalent range.