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on peer-to-peer dynamics in politics, the economy and organizations
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Myth Busting Artificial Intelligence

Myth Busting Artificial Intelligence | Peer2Politics |
We’ve all been seeing hype and excitement around artificial intelligence, big data, machine learning and deep learning. There’s also a lot of confusion about what they really mean and what’s actually possible today.
Ric Fry's curator insight, March 27, 2015 8:30 AM

Explains the core concepts of the biggest current trends in technology at the moment. Also raises valid points on the ethics and morals of use regarding any technology, and not buy in to the fear-mongering surrounding certain areas of I.T., at least without substantial grounds for it.


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Collective Intelligence seems a bigger threat than Artificial Intelligence

Collective Intelligence seems a bigger threat than Artificial Intelligence | Peer2Politics |
Recently both Stephen Hawking and Bill Gates have voiced their concern over Artificial Intelligence (AI), warning that AI could possibly become a threat to humanity in the future. This prompts me t...
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Artificial intelligence could encourage war, experts fear - Sydney Morning Herald

Artificial intelligence could encourage war, experts fear - Sydney Morning Herald | Peer2Politics |
It's the theme of many dystopian sci-fi books and movies: a super-intelligent machine becomes self-aware and wreaks havoc.
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The AI Revolution: How Far Away Are Our Robot Overlords? - Gizmodo

The AI Revolution: How Far Away Are Our Robot Overlords? - Gizmodo | Peer2Politics |
Imagine taking a time machine back to 1750—a time when the world was in a permanent power outage, long-distance communication meant either yelling loudly or firing a cannon in the air, and all transportation ran on hay.
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Artificial Intelligence in FMS Software Platforms - Mar 12, 2015 - Tech Collective

Artificial Intelligence in FMS Software Platforms - Mar 12, 2015 - Tech Collective | Peer2Politics |
Save The Date! Presenter: Tammy Fuller, Echo Messaging Systems
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Stephen Hawking: “Artificial Intelligence Could End The Human Race” But How?

Stephen Hawking: “Artificial Intelligence Could End The Human Race” But How? | Peer2Politics |
Technology has come a long way in the millennia that mankind has thrived. Today we see a collective dependent relationship formed with our most common electronic devices.
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Sure, Artificial Intelligence May End Our World, But That Is Not the Main Problem - Wired

Sure, Artificial Intelligence May End Our World, But That Is Not the Main Problem - Wired | Peer2Politics |
The robots will rise, we’re told. The machine will assume control. For decades we have heard these warnings and fears about artificial intelligence taking over and ending humankind.
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Cryptocurrencies, Smart Contracts, and Artificial Intelligence

Cryptocurrencies, Smart Contracts, and Artificial Intelligence | Peer2Politics |
We started the ACM SIGAI Bay Area Chapter in Silicon Valley in April, 2014 because AI and its applications are progressing rapidly. Our goal is to create a community in which members can share insights, inspirations, and educational resources. We are especially interested in helping participants use AI technologies in new and innovative ways. The recent development of “cryptocurrencies” and “smart contracts” creates an opportunity for many new applications of AI techniques. These economic technologies would benefit from greater world knowledge and reasoning capabilities as they become integrated into human commerce. In the other direction, cryptocurrencies and smart contracts may provide an infrastructure to ensure that AI systems follow precise legal and safety rules as they interact with the world.
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Predictions for the Year 2514: Dystopia That Feels Like Utopia

Predictions for the Year 2514: Dystopia That Feels Like Utopia | Peer2Politics |

Humanists typically look toward the future with extreme pessimism, assuming conditions of technological oppressiveness: Surveillance is rampant, the human being has been shorn of dignity, the state is overpowering, and individuality is a lost cause before the powerful onslaught of the collective. Zamyatin and Orwell are prime examples of this kind of extrapolation. There are also instances of humanist utopias (beginning with Thomas Moore and continuing with the socialist utopias of William Morris and Edward Bellamy), but they tend to be curiously bloodless, lacking the conviction and richness of the dystopias.

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Artificial Intelligence May Doom The Human Race Within A Century, Oxford ... - Huffington Post

Artificial Intelligence May Doom The Human Race Within A Century, Oxford ... - Huffington Post | Peer2Politics |

Horses were initially complemented by carriages and ploughs, which greatly increased the horse's productivity. Later, horses were substituted for by automobiles and tractors. When horses became obsolete as a source of labor, many were sold off to meatpackers to be processed into dog food, bone meal, leather, and glue. In the United States, there were about 26 million horses in 1915. By the early 1950s, 2 million remained.

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Robot Flash Mob a Step in Collective Artificial Intelligence (Video) -

Robot Flash Mob a Step in Collective Artificial Intelligence (Video) - | Peer2Politics |

About 1,000 tiny robots first formed a sea star shape on command and then rearranged to form the letter "K" on command as well, showing how each robot worked together to develop to develop the shape, self-correcting without additional guidance.

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Eugene the Turing test-beating 'human computer' – in 'his' own words

Eugene the Turing test-beating 'human computer' – in 'his' own words | Peer2Politics |
Algorithm pretending to be 13-year-old boy passes Turing test among third of judges – read some past conversations
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Must We Worry About Artificial Intelligence? - Huffington Post

Must We Worry About Artificial Intelligence? - Huffington Post | Peer2Politics |

In a recent post, I suggested that artificial sexual experiences in the future will rival, or surpass, the real thing. The fear of enslavement by intelligent machines and the fear of machines that are smarter than us is a staple of science fiction following Isaac Asimov's lead. Now one celebrity scientist, Stephen Hawking, is scared. Should the rest of us be?

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The Rise of the Machines, Now What?

The Rise of the Machines, Now What? | Peer2Politics |
Within a few years, the internet will be dominated by machines and sensors rather than people. By 2020, HP estimates there will be close to a trillion sensors sending data over the web.
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The Startup That Helps You Analyze Twitter Chatter in Real Time

The Startup That Helps You Analyze Twitter Chatter in Real Time | Peer2Politics |
Catherine Havasi is the co-founder and CEO of an artificial intelligence startup called Luminoso, which was spun out of the MIT Media Lab. Essentially, Luminoso is an enterprise feedback management company.
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The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence - Huffington Post

The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence - Huffington Post | Peer2Politics |
Artificial superintelligence is coming, probably whether we like it or not, and probably within our lifetimes. If many of the experts are correct, this will either be our greatest dream or our worst nightmare.
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Is Artificial Intelligence Helping China Spy on Its Citizens? - The Diplomat

Is Artificial Intelligence Helping China Spy on Its Citizens? - The Diplomat | Peer2Politics |
China has constructed the largest and most automated system for surveillance of its citizens ever seen in human history.
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Apocalypse or golden age: What machine intelligence will do to us - VentureBeat

Apocalypse or golden age: What machine intelligence will do to us - VentureBeat | Peer2Politics |
Recently some luminaries of our age have warned that machine intelligence is evolving at a breakneck pace. So breakneck, in fact, that machines might soon decide the world would be a better place i...
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Wearing Your Intelligence: How to Apply Artificial Intelligence in Wearables ... - Wired

Wearing Your Intelligence: How to Apply Artificial Intelligence in Wearables ... - Wired | Peer2Politics |
Wearables and the Internet of Things (IoT) may give the impression that it’s all about the sensors, hardware, communication middleware, network and data but the real value (and company valuation) is in insights.
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Enthusiasts and Skeptics Debate Artificial Intelligence - Vanity Fair

Enthusiasts and Skeptics Debate Artificial Intelligence - Vanity Fair | Peer2Politics |
Kurt Andersen wonders: If the Singularity is near, will it bring about global techno-Nirvana or civilizational ruin?
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The Three Breakthroughs That Have Finally Unleashed AI on the World | WIRED

The Three Breakthroughs That Have Finally Unleashed AI on the World | WIRED | Peer2Politics |
A few months ago I made the trek to the sylvan campus of the IBM research labs in Yorktown Heights, New York, to catch an early glimpse of the fast-arriving, long-overdue future of artificial intelligence. This was the home of Watson, the electronic genius that conquered Jeopardy! in 2011. The original Watson is still here—it's about the size of a bedroom, with 10 upright, refrigerator-shaped machines forming the four walls. The tiny interior cavity gives technicians access to the jumble of wires and cables on the machines' backs. It is surprisingly warm inside, as if the cluster were alive.
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Artificial Intelligence: Can Science Truly Recreate You? - Daily Nexus

Artificial Intelligence: Can Science Truly Recreate You? - Daily Nexus | Peer2Politics |
Daily Nexus
Artificial Intelligence: Can Science Truly Recreate You?
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This Oxford professor thinks artificial intelligence will destroy us all - Vox

This Oxford professor thinks artificial intelligence will destroy us all - Vox | Peer2Politics |

Nick Bostrom doesn't worry about the same things most philosophers worry about. The Oxford professor has written about the possibility that we're all living in a simulation, the likelihood that all intelligent life on Earth will become extinct in the next century, and whether or not morality can exist in an infinitely large universe. His latest book, Superintelligence, is all about what happens if and when general artificial intelligence (AI) emerges — and why that could mean a world dominated by machines.

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This horde of tiny robots swarms toward artificial intelligence

This horde of tiny robots swarms toward artificial intelligence | Peer2Politics |

“This is a ‘collective’ of robots – a group of robots that work together to complete a common goal,” said Harvard computer scientist Michael Rubenstein, who led the study. “If you call collective artificial intelligence the ability of a ‘collective’ to start to behave as a single entity, you could call this collective artificial intelligence.”

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Noam Chomsky on Where Artificial Intelligence Went Wrong

Noam Chomsky on Where Artificial Intelligence Went Wrong | Peer2Politics |

Chomsky: Well, unification is kind of an intuitive ideal, part of the scientific mystique, if you like. It's that you're trying to find a unified theory of the world. Now maybe there isn't one, maybe different parts work in different ways, but your assumption is until I'm proven wrong definitively, I'll assume that there's a unified account of the world, and it's my task to try to find it. And the unification may not come out by reduction -- it often doesn't. And that's kind of the guiding logic of David Marr's approach: what you discover at the computational level ought to be unified with what you'll some day find out at the mechanism level, but maybe not in terms of the way we now understand the mechanisms.

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