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Slides from my talk at the Oceanus Aquaconference #AQUA with detail slides from the LOOP platform, UBU Experiential Leadership Training modules, Use Case descr…
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Marxism And Ecology: Common Fonts Of A Great Transition -

Marxism And Ecology: Common Fonts Of A Great Transition - | Peer2Politics | Marxism And Ecology: Common Fonts Of A Great Transition “By destroying the circumstances of this metabolism” related to “the eternal natural condition” governing human production, this same process, Marx...
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Center for Planetary Culture - Commons Transition

Center for Planetary Culture - Commons Transition | Peer2Politics |
About the Center for Planetary Culture (extracted from Center for Planetary Culture website and wiki) The Center for Planetary Culture advances new ideas and solutions to today’s most challenging ecological, social, and political issues. We seek to establish a new society based on cooperation, social justice, and resilience. The Center for Planetary Culture is a not-for-profit educational …
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New Report: Protect the Climate, Save Money, and Create Jobs | Labor Network for Sustainability

New Report: Protect the Climate, Save Money, and Create Jobs | Labor Network for Sustainability | Peer2Politics |

Today labor and environmental organizations released a new report, The Clean Energy Future: Protecting the Climate, Creating Jobs and Saving Money, showing that the United States can reduce greenhouse gas [GHG] emissions 80 percent by 2050 — while adding half-a-million jobs and saving Americans billions of dollars on their electrical, heating, and transportation costs.

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Towards a Political Ecology of the Digital Economy - P2P Foundation

Towards a Political Ecology of the Digital Economy - P2P Foundation | Peer2Politics |

"This article explores the socio-environmental implications of two different value models currently competing for dominance in the digital economy: the neo-feudal cognitive capitalism (NFCC) and the hypothetical case of mature peer production (HMPP). Using a systematisation that considers environmental effects of information and communication technologies as direct, indirect and structural, this article discerns the future socio-environmental scenarios indicative of each value model. We argue that the two value models share the same type of direct environmental effects associated with a similar technological infrastructure; however, their indirect effects differ in prospects of consumer behaviour, environmental awareness and product design. Likewise the difference in structural effects is significant as the NFCC is based on profit maximisation and an accumulation of capital, whereas the HMPP is agnostic to growth and oriented towards the commons. Hence, the latter is considered as the socio-environmentally auspicious choice, but comes not without transitional challenges of its own."

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The Problem with Saving the World | Jacobin

The Problem with Saving the World | Jacobin | Peer2Politics |

he United Nations’ new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are about to replace the previous Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), are getting a lot of hate these days.

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The Greening of Greece - the ecologic opportunity for Europe to embrace

The Greening of Greece - the ecologic opportunity for Europe to embrace | Peer2Politics |
Greece's economic woes will never be solved by merely moving money around the banking system, writes Oliver Tickell. The lasting solution is to restore native forests to her barren hills and mountains, invest in large-scale solar power to energise Europe, and create an examplar of sustainable development for our global future.
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Toward Regenerative Society: Plan for Rapid Transition - Commons Transition Wiki

Toward Regenerative Society: Plan for Rapid Transition - Commons Transition Wiki | Peer2Politics |

The Commons Transition/P2P Foundation team was pleasantly surprised while reading the Center for Planetary Culture's Plan for Rapid Transition, authored by Daniel Pinchbeck. It is a thorough and inspiring overview for transitioning to a more sensible cognitive framework that holds many similarities to our own Commons Transition Plan, including its focus on an integrative global phase transition.

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Ecological Crisis and the Tragedy of the Commodity - Counterpunch - CounterPunch

Ecological Crisis and the Tragedy of the Commodity - Counterpunch - CounterPunch | Peer2Politics |
We live in an era of ecological crisis, which is a direct result of human actions. Natural scientists have been debating whether the current historical epoch should be called the Anthropocene, in o...
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CO2 emissions threaten ocean crisis - BBC News

CO2 emissions threaten ocean crisis - BBC News | Peer2Politics |
A major report warns that life in the seas will be irreversibly changed unless CO2 emissions are drastically cut.
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Hague climate change judgement could inspire a global civil movement

Hague climate change judgement could inspire a global civil movement | Peer2Politics |
Dutch ruling could trigger similar cases worldwide with citizens taking their governments to courts to make them act on climate promises
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The Earth stands on the brink of its sixth mass extinction and the fault is ours

The Earth stands on the brink of its sixth mass extinction and the fault is ours | Peer2Politics |

ife on Earth is in trouble. That much we know. But how bad have things become – and how fast are events moving? How soon, indeed, before the Earth’s biological treasures are trashed, in what will be the sixth great mass extinction event? This is what Gerardo Caballos of the National Autonomous University of Mexico and his colleagues have assessed, in a paper that came out on Friday.

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Labor Video Project

Labor Video Project | Peer2Politics |

(Trailer) "Fukushima, Never Again" tells the story of the Fukushima nuclear plant meltdowns in north east Japan in March of 2011 and exposes the cover-up by Tepco and the Japanese government. This is the first film that interviews the Mothers Of Fukushima, nuclear power experts and trade unionists who are fighting for justice and the protection of the children and the people of Japan and the world. The residents and citizens were forced to buy their own geiger counters and radiation dosimeters in order to test their communities to find out if they were in danger. The government said contaminated soil in children's school grounds was safe and then when the people found out it was contaminated and removed the top soil, the government and TEPCO refused to remove it from the school grounds.

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Mutation of Economics into the Fifth Integral-Arational Structure of Consciousness - P2P Foundation

Mutation of Economics into the Fifth Integral-Arational Structure of Consciousness - P2P Foundation | Peer2Politics |
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Political Origins of Environmental Degradation and the Environmental Origins of Axial Religions - P2P Foundation

Political Origins of Environmental Degradation and the Environmental Origins of Axial Religions - P2P Foundation | Peer2Politics |
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Toward a Legal System in Tune with Nature and Community - P2P Foundation

Toward a Legal System in Tune with Nature and Community - P2P Foundation | Peer2Politics |

"The most important structural solution to the rush toward final disorder is to restore some harmony between human laws and the laws of nature by giving law back to networks of communities. If the people were to understand the nature of law as an evolv­ing common, reflecting local conditions and fundamental needs, they would care about it. People would understand that the law is too important to remain in the hands of organized corporate interests. We are the makers and users of the law.

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Ecology and Society: Network Structure, Diversity, and Proactive Resilience Building: a Response to Tompkins and Adger

Newman, L. L., and D. A. 2005. Network structure, diversity, and proactive resilience building: a response to Tompkins and Adger. Ecology and Society 10(1): r2.
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Marxism and Ecology: Common Fonts of a Great Transition

Marxism and Ecology: Common Fonts of a Great Transition | Peer2Politics |

Socialist thought is re-emerging at the forefront of the movement for global ecological and social change. In the face of the planetary emergency, theorists have unearthed a powerful ecological critique of capitalism at the foundations of Marx’s materialist conception of history. This has led to a more comprehensive conception of socialism rooted in Marx’s analysis of the rift in “the universal metabolism of nature” and his vision of sustainable human development. This work resonates with other approaches for understanding and advancing a Great Transition. Such a social and ecological transformation will require a two-step strategy. First, we must mount struggles for radical reforms in the present that challenge the destructive logic of capital. Second, we must build the broad movement to carry out the long revolutionary transition essential for humanity’s continued development and survival. - See more at:

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Winning with a greener future

Winning with a greener future | Peer2Politics |

Jeremy Corbyn has set out his ideas for environmental policy, strongly emphasising greener energy, as part of his Vision for Britain 2020 theme of policies. He says: “I pledge, if elected Leader of the Labour Party, to meet the challenge of climate change with 10 energy pledges to reform our broken, dated and polluting energy market.”

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Greenham Reach Smallholdings & the Ecological Land Co-operative

Filmed in December 2014, this video takes a look at life at Greenham Reach, a cluster of three new affordable smallholdings for new entrants to ecological agriculture.…
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The Tao of open science for ecology

The Tao of open science for ecology | Peer2Politics |
Stephanie E. Hampton, Sean S. Anderson, Sarah C. Bagby, Corinna Gries, Xueying Han, Edmund M. Hart, Matthew B. Jones, W. Christopher Lenhardt, Andrew MacDonald, William K. Michener, Joe Mudge, Afshin Pourmokhtarian, Mark P.
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3D-printed eco-friendly supercar does 0-60 in 2 seconds

3D-printed eco-friendly supercar does 0-60 in 2 seconds | Peer2Politics |
Divergent Microfactories (San Francisco, CA), a company aimed at revolutionizing automotive manufacturing, has unveiled a 3D-printed prototype supercar designed to illustrate the potential for eco-friendly manufacturing of cars.
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Center for Planetary Culture's first newsletter

Center for Planetary Culture's first newsletter | Peer2Politics |

Center for Planetary Culture is a new organization that uses the familiar structure of a think tank to explore cutting-edge ideas and practices. As part of our work, we consult, experiment, innovate, propose, propound and pontificate. We also incubate new media and technology projects. Our admittedly ambitious mission is to help humanity evolve to a new level of consciousness – to transition from competition and aggression to cooperation and symbiosis as our basic paradigm, shifting to a social model based on regenerative principles of design.

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Largest Ocean Cleanup in History Set for 2016

Largest Ocean Cleanup in History Set for 2016 | Peer2Politics |
Twenty year-old Boyan Slat, founder of The Ocean Cleanup, has created a way that will help put an end to the plastic pollution problem in world oceans through innovative technology set to deploy in 2016.
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To save the Earth, first we must love her

To save the Earth, first we must love her | Peer2Politics |
Pope Francis's vision of mankind living in joyful harmony with God's creation has challenged the great powers of the modern world, writes Hugh Warwick - and made the Catholic Church a revolutionary force of love and compassion, empowering movements for social and environmental justice everywhere.
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