'Web': What It Means For The Whole World To Get Online - Forbes | Peer2Politics | Scoop.it

Web is not a film of limited ambition. The documentary sets out to explore what director Michael Kleiman describes as his “decade-long fascination with interdependence and technology.” It juxtaposes interviews with thought leaders (Clay Shirky, Robert Wright), ex-government officials (Richard Clarke, Anne-Marie Slaughter and technologists (Nicholas Negroponte, Vint Cerf) with Kleiman’s personal experiences in two small villages in Peru. The idea of Web is to investigate the different meanings of its title. It details the impact on communities in the Amazon Jungle and Andes Mountains of the One Laptop One Child initiative launched by Negroponte, a trained architect and founder of M.I.T.’s Media Lab. At the same time it zooms out to pose bigger questions about what being connected actually means in today’s world.