Can Your Wearable Device Really Help You Lose Weight And Get Fit? | Forbes | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) |

Every year, scores of Americans make New Year’s resolutions to lose weight and get fit. And to ensure this year is really the year, many rely on technology for a boost. They sign up for gym memberships and boast about their workouts on social media. They purchase and proudly display the hottest health wearables like the FitBit, Fuelband, Jawbone, Misfit or Garmin.


Unfortunately, as the holidays fade away, so do many well-intentioned resolutions. By February, a third of all resolution-makers have given up on their goals. And although 10 percent of adults now own a fitness tracker, we can predict that over 30 percent of new wearers willabandon the device by the middle of the year.


Via Ignacio Fernández Alberti