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Rescooped by Bart van Maanen from Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age
onto De wereld in overgang!

Free/CC book on transmedia activism

Free/CC book on transmedia activism | De wereld in overgang |

Via The Digital Rocking Chair
Bart van Maanen's insight:

De revolutie zal worden getweet, maar tweets alleen maken niet de revolutie.

Dit is een studie naar het succes van het organiseren van oa. social media voor de immigranten beweging van 2006-2012 in de VS. Op verschillende platforms waren demonstranten en actievoerders actief tegen bijvoorbeeld de 'Sensenbrenner Bill' (Border Protection, Anti-terrorism and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005). 

Het boek, uitgegeven door MIT Press, is nu gratis beschikbaar als (pdf) e-book.

The Digital Rocking Chair's curator insight, November 20, 2014 11:48 AM

Cory Doctorow:  "In this impassioned, eye-opening study Costanza-Chock tracks the world-shaking power of transmedia organizing. - Junot Diaz"

Fausto Cantu's curator insight, November 20, 2014 2:57 PM

muy adecuado para los tiempos que estamos viviendo en mexico!

De wereld in overgang
Of het de ontwikkelingen zijn van schone energie of duurzame productie, andere sociale verhoudingen of herverdeling van geld & macht. De wereld verkeert in een overgang op verschillende terreinen, die iedereen aangaan.
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Scooped by Bart van Maanen!

Met woede en liefde | Gif in Europa

Het besluit om glyfosaat in Europa nog 10 jaar toe te staan, maakte mij woedend. De slappe Nederlandse politiek, met de opeenvolgende ChristenUnie-ministers Staghouwer, Schouten en Adema, versterkte die woede. Er is overstelpend bewijs dat het middel schadelijk is. Zelfs als het maar aanwijzingen zouden zijn, zou dat voldoende moeten zijn om het voorzorgsprincipe te hanteren. Nee, tenzij.De Europese landbouw moet geholpen worden om niet de schadelijke sector te zijn die het nu is. De macht van de vervuilende agro-industrie moet worden ingeperkt, op zijn minst. Vandaar dat de komende verkiezingen weer erg belangrijk zijn. Niet alleen om radicaal-rechts te stoppen, maar ook om de Europese democratie te versterken. Op 23 mei jongstleden lukte het Ines Kostic (PvdD) een motie te laten passeren die middelen met glyfosaat zoveel mogelijk van de markt haalt, zolang niet onomstotelijk is bewezen dat het middel geen gezondheidsschade geeft. Eindelijk, het voorzorgsprincipe? De grote vraag is natuurlijk of het nieuwe kabinet die motie gaat uitvoeren.Intussen is er een internationale organisatie die meer dan 30 jaar strijd tegen het gebruik van voor mens en natuur schadelijke pesticiden, het Pesticide Action Network (PAN). Met de Europese verkiezingen op komst leidde dat naar een gesprek met Tjerk Dalhuisen, verantwoordelijk voor de communicatie van de Europese afdeling van PAN.PAN EuropePAN NetherlandsMeten = Weten (Drents netwerk tegen pesticiden)------🥁 Meer woede en liefde vind je op het blog Bart van Meer over podcasts maken bij Studio Klankplank, waar je professionele ondersteuning kunt krijgen bij het maken van je eigen podcast. 🎙🎤🏆 Huldeblijken, vragen en suggesties kun je sturen naar❤️ Voorlopig kost deze podcast alleen maar geld. Wil je deze podcast financieel steunen - maandelijks of eenmalig, dan kan dat via Petje Af - dank.
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Scooped by Bart van Maanen!

Mestafzet buiten de landbouw, 2000-2020 | Compendium voor de Leefomgeving

Mestafzet buiten de landbouw, 2000-2020 | Compendium voor de Leefomgeving | De wereld in overgang |
Tot en met 2016 is een steeds groter deel van de geproduceerde mest buiten de landbouw afgezet. Het grootste deel van de afzet buiten de landbouw bestaat uit mestexport met daarnaast overige vormen van mestverwerking zoals verbranding.
Bart van Maanen's insight:
Behalve de chemische industrie die vage verbindingen (pfas) loost, is ook de landbouw door teveel mest en onkruidbestrijding een gevaar voor water en drinkwatervoorziening.
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Scooped by Bart van Maanen!

EXPIRED? Food Waste in America

In response to this challenge, we are working on a call for a uniform, federal standard for date label language that is easily comprehended by consumers, and differentiates between food quality and food safety. We believe EXPIRED is central to this effort, and will be a powerful catalyst for change, offering a visual and visceral understanding of the problem, raising awareness about ways to combat it, and engaging key stakeholders in the issue.
Bart van Maanen's insight:

Over dit onderwerp is een mooie documentaire gemaakt in Europees kader: Wastecooking, meer op

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Rescooped by Bart van Maanen from Tools for Teachers & Learners!

Create free interactive timelines

Create free interactive timelines | De wereld in overgang |
Create free interactive timelines. HSTRY is a free digital learning tool which promotes collaboration and engagement in the classroom.

Via Nik Peachey
Bart van Maanen's insight:

Mooie manier om een verhaal of een geschiedenis te vertellen, bijvoorbeeld voor een Over ons-pagina of over een bijzonder project.

Willem Kuypers's curator insight, December 3, 2015 12:17 AM

Un outil intéressant complémentaire à des cartes mentales par exemple.

Agüero Luciana N's curator insight, December 4, 2015 9:14 AM

añada su visión ...

Lihi Telem's curator insight, January 20, 2016 1:49 AM

כלי מדהים ליצירה של תוצרים המשלבית תמונות, קבצי סאונד, מצגות וכדומה יכול להיות על רצץ זמן או כל רצף אחר. עובד עם עברית!

Rescooped by Bart van Maanen from The Great Transition!

Towards a social-ecological transition. Solidarity in the age of environmental challenge

Towards a social-ecological transition. Solidarity in the age of environmental challenge | De wereld in overgang |

The primary aim of this short guide is to tie the ecological transition firmly to the simultaneous demand for social progress. As the authors see it, such social progress must be erected upon the tripod of equality, employment and social protection. These are the three pillars of the edifice required to produce a social-ecological transition. Simply put, the social-ecological transition answers environmental change with social progress.

Via Willy De Backer
Willy De Backer's curator insight, September 12, 2015 3:43 AM

Very good new guide by Philippe Pochet (ETUI) and Eloi Laurent (OFCE) on the need to link the ecological transition to the social justice agenda

Scooped by Bart van Maanen!

See where women outnumber men around the world (and why)

See where women outnumber men around the world (and why) | De wereld in overgang |

"A new study maps the population gaps between men and women around the world."


Laura Lee Smith's comment, September 7, 2015 7:19 PM
This is actually something I discussed a while back with a friend of mine who is from Russia, how there is such a huge lack of marriageable men that women there consider being a mail order bride a good alternative to spinsterhood.
Laura Lee Smith's comment, September 7, 2015 7:19 PM
This is actually something I discussed a while back with a friend of mine who is from Russia, how there is such a huge lack of marriageable men that women there consider being a mail order bride a good alternative to spinsterhood.
Cohen Adkins's curator insight, September 8, 2015 4:59 PM

Its amazing how well balanced some countries are with the ratio of men to women how ever some of the 3rd world countries are off balance but not to an extreme.

Rescooped by Bart van Maanen from The Great Transition!

Slavoj Žižek on Greece: the courage of hopelessness

Slavoj Žižek on Greece: the courage of hopelessness | De wereld in overgang |
The people of Greece are not being asked to swallow many bitter pills in exchange for a realistic plan of economic revival: they are asked to suffer so that others in the European Union can go on dreaming their dream undisturbed.

Via Willy De Backer
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Rescooped by Bart van Maanen from The Great Transition!

A World Without Work

A World Without Work | De wereld in overgang |

We’re pretty good at noticing the immediate effects of technology’s substituting for workers, such as fewer people on the factory floor. What’s harder is anticipating the second-order effects of this transformation, such as what happens to the consumer economy when you take away the consumers.

Via Willy De Backer
Willy De Backer's curator insight, June 23, 2015 3:02 PM

Brilliant must-read analysis of the coming 'post-work' society in The Atlantic.

Scooped by Bart van Maanen!

Creative Destruction

Creative Destruction | De wereld in overgang |
It's much worse than people realize.
Luis Cesar Nunes's curator insight, March 31, 2015 7:48 AM

We are becoming obsolete as a Charlie Chaplin film, perpetuate the grace of the silent film as the industry is all forward-talkie.

Colleen Blankenship's curator insight, March 30, 2016 12:11 PM

The relatively recent decline of music industry, as well as the newspaper industry, are good examples to teach the concept of creative destruction.  As jobs are created through new emerging technologies, older jobs will be rendered obsolete and be 'destroyed.'  While many bemoan the loss of particular jobs as regrettable, it is a part of globalization of economic geography that as jobs are created with new technologies, other jobs disappear.  Indoor plumbing meant the death of the water-carrying guilds (while I might be sad they lost their jobs, I'm keeping my plumbing).  The trick is to make these transitions smooth and to prepare the labor force to have skills that the new economy will demand so that individual families and workers aren't casualties of this 'creative destruction' process.     

Tags:  economic, labor, globalization, unit 6 industry.

BrianCaldwell7's curator insight, April 5, 2016 8:12 AM

The relatively recent decline of music industry, as well as the newspaper industry, are good examples to teach the concept of creative destruction.  As jobs are created through new emerging technologies, older jobs will be rendered obsolete and be 'destroyed.'  While many bemoan the loss of particular jobs as regrettable, it is a part of globalization of economic geography that as jobs are created with new technologies, other jobs disappear.  Indoor plumbing meant the death of the water-carrying guilds (while I might be sad they lost their jobs, I'm keeping my plumbing).  The trick is to make these transitions smooth and to prepare the labor force to have skills that the new economy will demand so that individual families and workers aren't casualties of this 'creative destruction' process.     

Tags:  economic, labor, globalization, unit 6 industry.

Scooped by Bart van Maanen!

40 Maps That Explain The Middle East

40 Maps That Explain The Middle East | De wereld in overgang |
These maps are crucial for understanding the region's history, its present, and some of the most important stories there today.
Alex Vielman's curator insight, November 23, 2015 3:17 PM

Maps like the ones posted in this article, really helps people to understand and break down deeply of understanding the entire region as a whole. Visualization is very important in geography when trying to understand the region people are talking about. this region as goes down to the Mesopotamia Era. It is important to know, how the culture was in this area to how it differentiated during the Ottoman Empire. During the first couple of maps, we can begin to see the division of the entire region. As you go on, we begin to notice the divisions between people, religion, language between states and in-states. There is so much information to know about the Middle East region and it may be even harder to understand due to the tons of changes and separations, but it is important to understand these divisions like the Sunni's and the Shi'ites in order to fully explain the development and the current situations that are occurring in this region as we speak. 

Matt Ramsdell's curator insight, December 7, 2015 5:18 PM

These 40 maps are a very interesting way of showing how people have traveled around and moved about the Earth from the time of the fertile crescent era to the people of today. It shows us the paths that people have taken to move to a new location. How they used the Meditteranean Sea to move from one side to the other. It also shows how the Tigris and Euphrates came together to form a smaller area of the Persian gulf. This led to smalled economic growth because now there is less land for imports and exports.

Kelvis Hernandez's curator insight, December 12, 2018 10:49 PM
Being able to explain any region in just 40 maps is a very bold claim. While no one would be able to do this Vox was able to make a very interesting set of historically, culturally, and politically themed visualizations of this continuously changing part of the world. Some maps show the borders of an empire past, others discuss the many ethnic groups that call the region their home, and yet another discusses the importance of oil and who has it. 
Rescooped by Bart van Maanen from The Great Transition!

Is the Lima deal a travesty of global climate justice?

Is the Lima deal a travesty of global climate justice? | De wereld in overgang |
As it stands, 21 years of tortuous negotiations may have actually taken developing countries backwards on tackling climate change. From an imperfect but legally binding UN treaty struck in 1992, in which industrialised countries accepted responsibility and agreed to make modest but specific cuts over a defined period, we now have the prospect of a less than legally binding global deal where everyone is obliged to do something but where the poor may have to do the most and the rich will be free to do little.

Via Willy De Backer
Willy De Backer's curator insight, December 16, 2014 4:34 AM

Finally, an honest and insightful evaluation of the Lima failure by Guardian journalist John Vidal.

Rescooped by Bart van Maanen from Future and Singularity!

Scientists predict green energy revolution after incredible new graphene discoveries

Scientists predict green energy revolution after incredible new graphene discoveries | De wereld in overgang |
A recently discovered form of carbon graphite – the material in pencil lead – has turned out to have a completely unexpected property which could revolutionise the development of green energy and electric cars.

Via Lieke Lamb
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Rescooped by Bart van Maanen from Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age!

Free/CC book on transmedia activism

Free/CC book on transmedia activism | De wereld in overgang |

Via The Digital Rocking Chair
Bart van Maanen's insight:

De revolutie zal worden getweet, maar tweets alleen maken niet de revolutie.

Dit is een studie naar het succes van het organiseren van oa. social media voor de immigranten beweging van 2006-2012 in de VS. Op verschillende platforms waren demonstranten en actievoerders actief tegen bijvoorbeeld de 'Sensenbrenner Bill' (Border Protection, Anti-terrorism and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005). 

Het boek, uitgegeven door MIT Press, is nu gratis beschikbaar als (pdf) e-book.

The Digital Rocking Chair's curator insight, November 20, 2014 11:48 AM

Cory Doctorow:  "In this impassioned, eye-opening study Costanza-Chock tracks the world-shaking power of transmedia organizing. - Junot Diaz"

Fausto Cantu's curator insight, November 20, 2014 2:57 PM

muy adecuado para los tiempos que estamos viviendo en mexico!

Scooped by Bart van Maanen!

Koninklijke IJmond •

Koninklijke IJmond • | De wereld in overgang |
Zou de vervuiling van de IJmond door Tata Steel, voorheen de Hoogovens te maken hebben met de gezondheid van mijn moeder?
Bart van Maanen's insight:
De Hoogovens zijn een begrip in de familie en ik ben in de gemeente Velsen geboren. De staalfabriek is echter ook de grootste vervuiler van Nederland. En het gaat langzaam, maar de transitie is in gang gezet.
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Scooped by Bart van Maanen!

Dump het bruto binnenlands product •

Dump het bruto binnenlands product • | De wereld in overgang |
Wat is dat toch met economische groei en het bruto binnenlands product? Waarom worden gewone mensen daar niet beter van? Fantoomgroei zoekt naar een antwoord.
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Scooped by Bart van Maanen!

The Geography of E-Waste

The Geography of E-Waste | De wereld in overgang |
The world is increasingly going hi-tech. Many people in our high consumption society want the latest and the greatest; last year’s much anticipated laptops and cell phones are miles behind the newest models that are coming out. So what happens with the old models? Even thrift stores are politely not accepting them as donations. Even some workable machines that were highly valuable 10 years ago are now functionally trash in our society. We can’t put it to the curb to end up in the landfill because of the lead, mercury, and other hazardous materials that can leak into the environment. This type of trash is what we call e-waste. The geography of e-waste is an ‘out of sight out of mind’ problem that we rarely think about but need to due to the ecological impacts of our collective consumption.


Tags: pollution, sustainability, environment, resources, Ghana, Africa.

Bart van Maanen's insight:

De vervuiling door afgedankte elektrische apparaten is een probleem op zichzelf geworden door de enorme hoeveelheid. Er kan veel meer gerecycled worden dan nu gebeurt.

GTANSW & ACT's curator insight, November 6, 2015 5:22 PM

Areas of proaction and consumption / glean connections between places

Courtney Barrowman's curator insight, November 7, 2015 9:56 AM

summer work

Kim Ruark's curator insight, February 5, 2017 5:33 PM
The other side of connectivity
Scooped by Bart van Maanen!

How Climate Change is Behind the Surge of Migrants to Europe

How Climate Change is Behind the Surge of Migrants to Europe | De wereld in overgang |

"Even as Europe wrestles over how to absorb the migrant tide, experts warn that the flood is likely to get worse as climate change becomes a driving factor." ;

Kevin Nguyen's curator insight, December 7, 2015 2:24 PM

The surge of migrants to Europe has another major contribution other than the Syrian War. Climate change cause food and water shortage to the region of middle-east. The intense droughts and flood are killing their agriculture ultimately lead them to find a food source somewhere else. It's like adding stress to more stress and now you have a massive problem that is showing no sign of stopping.

Scooped by Bart van Maanen!

Infographic: The Syrian conflict

Infographic: The Syrian conflict | De wereld in overgang |
Syria's civil war has inflicted a humanitarian crisis, expansive exodus of the population and a severe death toll. New Internationalist presents the facts in this zoomable infograph.

Tags: infographic, Syria, migration, political, refugees.

Scooped by Bart van Maanen!

America's most embarrassing statistic — and one effort to change it

America's most embarrassing statistic — and one effort to change it | De wereld in overgang |
Why is the US the only industrialized nation with a rising rate of maternal mortality? Supermodel-turned-maternal health advocate Christy Turlington Burns talks about her latest mission to raise awareness about maternal deaths.


99% of deaths related to pregnancy and childbirth occur in the developing world. The good news is that in most countries the rate of maternal mortality has been going down. The bad news is that in eight countries the rate is going up. The shocking news is that the United States is among them. It is the only industrialized country to have that dubious distinction. The rate has in fact been doubling in recent years.


Tag: mortality, development, gender, statistics, USA.

Danielle Kedward's curator insight, September 12, 2015 7:34 AM
Excellent article for population geography challenges for the future
Fred Issa's curator insight, October 5, 2015 4:17 PM

Good question, Why is the US rate of maternal mortality so high. We pay three times higher the average cost for medical care, then any other industrialized nation of earth? Fred Issa,

Rescooped by Bart van Maanen from Future and Singularity!

Adidas Is Introducing a Sneaker Made Entirely of Trash 

Adidas Is Introducing a Sneaker Made Entirely of Trash  | De wereld in overgang |
The German sportswear brand has teamed up with Parley for the Oceans to create a prototype for a shoe made of oceanic waste.

Via Lieke Lamb
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Scooped by Bart van Maanen!

40 years of human activities you can see from space

Satellites have been watching us for 40 years. Here's what their images reveal.
Ambre Cooper's curator insight, June 25, 2015 4:04 PM

This is a cool little video. It even shows the level of Aral Sea we read about.

Hamdou Wane's curator insight, June 29, 2015 7:55 AM

Satellites have been watching us for 40 years. Here's what their images reveal

Alex Smiga's curator insight, August 6, 2017 8:45 AM
Seth Dixon's insight: 
This video is simple entry point into the various applications of remote sensing as well as various human and environmental interactions. This video highlights 5 examples: 
 1. Deforestation (Brazil) 
2. Water Use (Aral Sea) 
3. Urban Sprawl (Las Vegas) 
4. Energy (Coal in Wyoming) 
5. Climate Change (Ice Shelf in Antarctica)
Scooped by Bart van Maanen!

Syrian Journey: Choose your own route

Syrian Journey: Choose your own route | De wereld in overgang |
Put yourself in the shoes of a Syrian migrant and see whether you could make the right choices on the journey to Europe.
Norka McAlister's curator insight, April 5, 2015 8:01 PM

Citizens of Syria have experienced difficult times since their country entered into a period of continual war in the past few decades. People migrate to Europe in demand of better life for their families. All begin with a plan and a &helper,&  called trafficker or coyote in Mexico, and money to cross few borders and be able to live life free from war. Although, with countries such as Egypt, Lybia, Lebanon, Turkey, and Greece, with a massive migrations, tough economies, lack of jobs, nothing and no one is safe. However, Europe is very attractive in terms of quality life and safety to raise families. Furthermore, to be able to survive during this migration transition, many risks are involved and even in some cases, killings. Immigrants migrate by boat, truck, train, and sometimes even walking. Day or night immigrants keep moving and pay  high prices to be transported to the next point. It takes them weeks, months, and even years to reach thier final destinations. This is the same for those immigrants in Mexico and U.S. 

Claire Law's curator insight, April 25, 2015 8:41 PM

UK interactive resource to put students in the shoes of refugees fleeing conflict

zane alan berger's curator insight, May 26, 2015 4:42 PM

this is a virtual stimulator showing the struggle of a Syrian migrant, proving that one risky decision can be detrimental for these people. this can be related to the migration unit

Rescooped by Bart van Maanen from Sustainability!

The Shock Of Our Plastic Oceans: An Infographic

The Shock Of Our Plastic Oceans: An Infographic | De wereld in overgang |
Beyond the landfills and trash heaps rotting in almost every town and city across the globe, manmade garbage has found its way into the natural landscape on a mind-boggling scale. It seems as though there are virtually no places left on Earth free of our rubbish.

Via Erik van Erne
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Rescooped by Bart van Maanen from Future and Singularity!

As Robots Grow Smarter, American Workers Struggle to Keep Up

As Robots Grow Smarter, American Workers Struggle to Keep Up | De wereld in overgang |
Concern about technology — the printing press, the steam engine or the computer — supplanting humans is not new. But this time may be different.

Via Lieke Lamb
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Scooped by Bart van Maanen!

Six Myths About Climate Change that Liberals Rarely Question

Six Myths About Climate Change that Liberals Rarely Question | De wereld in overgang |
Either you will continue to buy, use, and consume as if there is no tomorrow; or you will make substantial changes to the way you live.
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